liberal pussies

3559 days ago

US Air Strikes will not save the Kurd Oil plays forever

President Obama has now ordered his warplanes to bomb some ISIS Islamofascist loons off to a place where they get to meet 72 virgins.  He is now off on a 2 week golfing holiday. If you think that this will save the Kurd oil plays in London - Genel (GENL) and Gulf Keystone (GKP) here is why you are wrong.

You need to think back to the last but one totally useless disaster of a Democrat to sit in the white house, the lamentable Jimmy Carter. He and his party were haunted by one event for many years – the capture of US hostages in Tehran. Carter tried a military option to get them out and it failed. The hostages only came back home when Jimmy had been replaced by the greatest President the US has ever known, Ronald Reagan.

It is not hostages that Obama fears. For ISIS makes the mad mullahs of Iran seem like cappuccino sipping, Guardian reading liberal pussies. What Obama dreads
